Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Stacie Was Here

Stacie is not my real name. It is a nick name that I picked up a year or two ago. I am Stacie when I am drunk and I talk about Stacie like she and I were close friends. There is no way I would do half the things Stacie does.

Stacie was here. It even says so on the pavement outside of my friends trailer in white side-walk-chalk. Holy crap Stacie had a good time! I think she kissed a girl, in front of my husband, I also think she showed her boob. Most importantly she and I learned some valuable lessons:

1. Do not head bang after doing three tequila shots. Stacie may have enjoyed it and she may have even thought she looked good doing it. I on the other hand have had whip lash ever since. No good.

2. Don't mix many types of alcohol. If youre gonna drink tequila, drink tequila. Don't start with homemade kahulah, then take a swig of Rum Runner, then a swig of Apple Pucker, back to the Rum Runner, and oh, Tequila Rose, Rum Runner! Three rounds of lick it, slam it, suck it, then lets sprinkle some more kahulah in between all of that. And top it off with some beer. Again, no good.

3. While I may know my limits, Stacie does not. Stacie got sick in my aunt's yard. Then I got sick in R&L's yard. Then I got sick on some one else's yard. Why is it that Stacie threw up once and I had to deal with the rest? This is a first for both Stacie and myself, we have never thrown up from too much alcohol. No good.

4. Did you know that if you down a bottle of cold water, 20 minutes later, when it comes back up it's still cold?

5. I believe that if Stacie and I didn't throw up I would have been so hung-over. I really wasn't, I just downed a bunch of coffee and then gator aid and I was good to go.

Its nice to see my friend Stacie every once and a while but I'm pretty sure she wont be back for a few months or so. The thought of beer or liquor makes me want to gag.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweat Pants and Shirts

I feel like I have been waiting to put on my comfey pants and a sweat shirt forever and today I can. I love it. Its cool outside, raining and it feels so good to comfey up. My tea is steeping and I am ready to sit down, watch some football with The Husband and knit.

Yes, I said knit. I don't know how to read or even follow a pattern, its all trial and error. Lately Ive been knitting felted purses. I've done two of them and have not been to ecstatic about them and am hoping I have learned enough from them to have my third come out looking cool. It has to, I've spent too much on yarn for it to suck.

In addition to knitting I also cross-stitch and crochet. I have been working on the same cross-stitch project for about two years now, about a total of 30 hours on it and I am still not done. I was making it for a friend's baby and then realized that she would no have a clue as too how much time I put into it so I quit working on it. Later I picked it up again, I thought I would keep working on it for my self for my some-day baby. Then I realized I made a mistake and can't find where. So, again, I stopped working on it. It is about 2/3 of the way done. I wanted to take it to my favorite yarn and needle work shop for help but the shop went out of business. Maybe some day I'll pick it back up and actually finish it...

Today, I'll keep working on the latest purse and hope this one turns out. Gatta go watch the Packers kick ass without Bret Favre, one can hope right?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

This Reminds Me

This weather reminds me of the summer of 2002 when I worked for the City Parks and Recreation department. I was a grounds-keeper seasonal with another seasonal and a grounds-keeper level 2. The three of us took care of 9 city parks. Toward the end of the summer the other seasonal was painting murals all over the city in areas that were usually tagged with graffiti. On rainy days like this in the late summer and early fall B and I would sit inside the office at our main park drinking coffee, reading books, eating doughnuts and smoking. Not much to do in a city park in the rain. I miss that job.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


How to Annoy Me:

Put fruit chunks in my yogurt and don't tell me on the label. I hate chunky yogurt!

Note To Self

The key-less entry for the Ford doesn't work on the Toyota.

Give it up already!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Few Things I've Learned

1. Kayaking is fun

2. Cell phones don't enjoy Kayaking as much as I do. Well, at least not when they are in a plastic grocery bag in a cooler with melting ice.

3. Cell phones that did not enjoy their trip down the river in a plastic bag in a cooler with melting ice rebel and refuse to work. Each in their own way. One may not receive or send calls while the other may refuse to stay on once you open or close it.

4. Kayaking can lead to some NASTY feminine complications.

5. When tween-agers attack your vehicle with shaving cream, silly string, cotton balls, toilet paper and plastic grocery bags it can be funny.

6. The parents of the tweens my not find it as funny and for some reason that makes it more funny (to me).

7. When the tweens apologize for their vandalism in front of their parents don't say, "that's OK, I thought it was funny." Apparently, that sort of statement hinders the discipline process.