Sunday, December 7, 2008

And on to the next one

And on to the next one. By that I mean the third.

I read Twilight in 5 days, only two days longer than it took me to read the final Harry Potter. I finished it on Saturday afternoon and was reading the second book about two hours later.

I have never cried more while reading a book than I did New Moon. It is such an emotional story, and it was told extremely well. I could almost physically feel her pain; my heart skipping a beat with hers. I read it in about 22 hours. Only stopping to eat, sleep, pee and snow-blow the drive way.

These books are great. But I’m not going to tell you that I am in love with a 17 year old vampire, I’ll leave that for the more dramatic. I just love the love story, the unconditional love. I don’t know how to adequately explain the way these books make me feel without sounding obsessed or crazy. They’ve touched me.

The Husband and I went to see the Twilight movie this evening. I guess it wasn’t too bad. I wish the acting was a bit better though. I knew what was supposed to be going on in the characters’ minds. The emotional struggle he was going through was depicted well in the book but on the screen, he just looked like he was going to throw up. The love story was not well developed; they just sort of skipped to the professing of their eternal love without all of the falling in love. I guess you could say that I am a bit bummed by it. I wanted it to be better.

On to the third, Eclipse.

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