Saturday, February 14, 2009


My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant since September 2007.

This week Monday I had some extremely light spotting. It lined up with what would be implantation bleeding (when the egg implants into the wall of the uterus). I was excited but not too hopeful. Tuesday I had nothing. Wednesday I started spotting early in the morning, mid morning I would consider to be light. Wednesday afternoon I had a very heavy flow. Thursday my flow was the heaviest I had ever had. There was a lot of tissue and clots by that night. The thought crossed my mind that I may be having an early miscarriage. I went through two tampons and a 'back up' pad Thursday night. It was bright red. Friday morning was more of the same. I was starting to feel a bit light headed through out the day and a bit shaky. I don't have an OB/GYN so I called my family doctor nurse late in the work day on Friday. She confirmed my fears, I have had an early miscarriage. She advised me to keep an eye on my flow, since it was bright red and I had been feeling light headed, and possibly go to the urgent care clinic today. I may need a D&C.

After I got off the phone with her I called my husband, up until that point he thought I was a bit nuts. How could I have a miscarriage this early? There wasn't even a chance to have a positive pregnancy test. I told him what the nurse had said. He is really bummed. I then had to talk to my boss about some things that had gone on during the day. By the time I got to his office I was crying. The Administrative Assistant first saw me and I was then bawling. We headed to my bosses office and closed the door. I was hysterical, I couldn't even talk. I tried to say 'I'm having a miscarriage' but the words didn't come out right. I gathered my self took a deep breath looked him in the eye and said 'miscarriage'. They both gasped. The next thing I knew I was sitting down in his office. They wouldn't let me drive home, even though its a mile away. I didn't realize I had been shaking. My boss finished up my work that I had left to do – something he would have never done under normal circumstances.

About a half hour later I got home and my husband was home early waiting for me. He drove us to our hair cuts. Life goes on right? After, we went to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. Then I went home and put my feet up.

When I went to bed I cried a lot more. I couldn't sleep. Tony convinced me to take a pain killer for my headache and cramps with a sleep agent. I was able to sleep soundly without remembering my dreams. I feel a bit weepy today, foggy and groggy. My flow has lightened up quite a bit but I have more cramps today. I will not be going in for the D&C today.

More about how I feel later...

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