Wednesday, August 27, 2008

To My Friend L

I want to thank you for all of your insight, your encouragement and your strength. Thank you for being blunt and at the same time being gentile. You have a wonderful way of listening and understanding. Thank you for not making me feel foolish, or childish. Thank you for giving me a voice. Thank you for opening my eyes to things I hadn't seen before, I will try not to take those things for granted. I feel that I have found a friend in you, someone I can trust.

Oh, and thanks for the pickles!

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Slippers, house shoes, if you will, are for wearing in the house, right. Even if they have soles on them, the intention is for them to be worn in-doors. When you wear slippers out side they then become shoes. If you are one to wear slippers I assume that you are one who does not want to wear shoes inside because you don't want to track dirt and such into the house. Slippers are to be worn inside not out side. Everyone can agree on that right?

What I want to know is why can't GP get that. He doesn't understand the basic slipper code. DON'T WEAR THEM OUT SIDE! Dude, she wants you to wear slippers inside not your shoes for the reasons mentioned above. Don't take the dog out in your slippers. It rained yesterday evening. It was foggy as hell last night, the grass is wet. And just so you know, you stepped in my dogs pee on your way back through the yard. I guess you didn't realize you just tracked all of that in. And another thing, don't get snippy with her when she points out the fact that you tracked dirt and wet-ness in. You were the one who wore your fucking slippers out side, you dumb ass!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

give me another half hour

Just give me another half hour and I've got it figured out.

A friend showed me baby rabies
One of Baby Rabies' favorite listed sites is dooce.
Dooce's husband is Blurbomat. Together they run The Blurbodoocery
Dooce also linked up The Daily Coyote
The Daily Coyote introduced her readers to her grandmother Svensto.

I should point out that Dooce is one of my favorite sites/blogs I read. She is one of the reasons I wanted to start this blog. She has also linked the way to many other sites I check regularly. I'll link them up later.

Getting to know you

So this blogging thing is so new to me. Don't get me wrong there are many blogs that I read on a daily basis. Its just that formatting my blog is not something that I have been able to figure out. And I even gave myself a whole 10 minutes to figure it out before I got frustrated and quit. You know when you go to other people's blogs and they have a list on the side that says something like, "the blogs I like" I want to know how to get that on here.
here's some thing else that I should admit. I don't even think I am that great of a writer either. I don't always feel confident in my writing. I don't feel that I create a decent picture of what I am trying to describe or a feeling I'm trying to convey.
I just feel like I have all these things to share with you, I just don't know how to get it all out in an understandable sort of way. And yes, I know I have horrible grammar and spelling, sucks to be you, the one reading it. Thank goodness for spell check.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Susie Home Maker

Susie home maker that's the name I'll go by today. I am trying to save a buck on groceries this winter and while home grown sweet corn is $2 for 6 ears I am freezing it. I first blanched the corn on the cob and then cut it off and now it is in my freezer in the basement. I'll let you know how it tastes in January.

Hello Internet!

Who am I? That is a question I hope to find the answer to with this blog. I hope that writing to the internet a sea of strangers, I can find how I fit.